Janelle Christa: Hollywood Coach, her powerful new book, THE HARMONY KEYS

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Janelle Christa is a Hollywood coach, actress, producer, and screenwriter and creator of
“conscious entertainment”. Having come from a history of affairs, divorce, and family dysfunction as well as a bi-polar diagnosis, she strongly believes that happiness is a choice. Her powerful new book, THE HARMONY KEYS will strike a cord with many people. It is a self-healing system for greater health, wealth, and love. It teaches people to identify stuffed emotions, the block they are creating, and how to release them on an energetic level.

FWM: Did your upbringing influence your decision to become a Hollywood Coach?

Absolutely. I believe our lives are always preparing us for whatever our next steps in life are, whether we know it or not. By the time I was eighteen I had about 14 siblings (half, step, adoptive) and it was a wild ride. I was the oldest (except for a few step siblings that showed up in my adolescence) and I took that responsibility very seriously. I always wanted to lead by example and learn everything I possibly could so I could guide my siblings. My siblings taught me that they didn’t always want my guidance either, and this influences me greatly as a coach. I know that I can’t do the work for my clients, they’ve got to learn it for themselves and WANT to grow.

FWM: As a well-known Hollywood Coach. What are the challenges faced by clients?

It’s pretty universal stuff actually. Whether I am working with a celebrity, stay-at-home mom, student, or car salesperson, most of the challenges I see in people are pretty consistent. Value, self-worth, guilt, shame, deservability, and scarcity. (Yes, scarcity comes up a lot for wealthy people too) Some call it the “human condition” of feeling “not enough” or “unlovable,” etc.

Typically, in the modern world (especially boys!) we are taught it’s not safe to have these feelings or share them so we stuff them inside of us and they become a part of our template causing all sorts of paralyzing or imprisoning states.

Rather than having a tremendous about of focus on those more limiting states (because energy goes where attention flows) most of the work I do with people has to do with recognizing those emotions, states, and beliefs and acknowledge them so we can release them, then do forgiveness work for holding onto those beliefs for so long.

As we start to release those states and put focus on the states, emotions, and beliefs we want to incorporate into our lives, our perception of the world literally changes.

FWM: Can you share a few success stories?

Sure! Honestly, there have been some really big success stories.. like models breaking through and getting their first billboard or cover, actors landing dream gigs, authors writing and publishing their first book, etc. But some of my favorite success stories come long before those big moments, they are the quiet awakenings—the often uncelebrated moments, when people make the choice to love themselves, forgive themselves, or their parents, or God. The moments when they choose the direction that will ultimately lead them to success beyond their wildest dreams. The moments that they KEEP choosing the direction they want to go, even though it’s hard as hell, and it hurts, and it feels like the whole world is against them. You know, those moments when they feel lost, but choose to lean into that tiny glimmer of hope and possibility instead of falling into defeat. That’s where success can be found. And that’s the success that we often overlook. We see the big story, the final hoorah, but that’s not where true success is found. It’s in the dirty work.

FWM: Is happiness a choice?

100% and I know a lot of haters are going to get mad about that, so let me elaborate. I was diagnosed as a child with severe mental illness. At 18, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, PTSD, and anxiety. I also suffered from severe and chronic health issues. By 27 when I ended up in a therapist’s office for the first time, I unloaded a giant history of abuse, sexual abuse and assault, physical trauma, drug addiction, a string of unhealthy relationships, suicide attempts, and utter hopelessness and chronic victimization to my moods. But CHOICE is our ultimate power in life, it is our savior—because it gives us the power to respond to our circumstances. So no matter how dire the situation is, you can CHOOSE how you will move forward. You can choose if you are a victim or if you are a survivor. You can choose if you are bipolar, or if you are a healer. You can choose if you are terrified, or if you are courageous. And you can choose to forgive yourself if you’re not always up for stepping into your survivor mode. Happiness is a choice. And we can all get there. It’s an ebb and a flow, yes. But it is always possible.

FWM: What do you enjoy the most about being a coach?

I love watching people weave their dreams into reality and make them real and tangible and measurable. I love seeing someone take their imagination, their fantasy, their creativity, and channel it into reality. Maybe that’s a TV show, or script, or book, a YouTube channel, a company or healing business, but it’s also things like breaking unhealthy family cycles and generations of pain, it’s women and men taking their power in their relationships, health, and financial freedom. It’s all of it! AND most importantly—it’s every single minute of showing up in the process.

FWM: Can you share some of your techniques/strategies?

I use a lot of neurolinguistic programming and hypnosis. My first book “Spiritual Ninja” also teaches people about spiritual protection, boundaries, and the multidimensional aspects of themselves necessary for healing (such as the child within, the adolescent within, the masculine self and the feminine self as well as the higher self) But what I am most popular for is my healing system “The Harmony Keys” which helps people identify stuffed emotions and release them.

Tell us about your new book, THE HARMONY KEYS. Why did you decide to write this book?’’

The Harmony Keys is a self-healing system for greater health, wealth, and love. It teaches people to identify stuffed emotions, the block they are creating, and how to release them on an energetic level. The reason why my system varies from other systems out there that talk about stuffed emotions, is because I also talk about how “positive” emotions get stuffed too. You see, I believe that all emotions are positive and they only become negative when they are stuffed, unresolved, or repressed.

The Harmony Keys places emotions in four different categories: paralyzing, imprisoning, transitional, and expansive, and looks at emotions like notes on a keyboard, they all have their own octave and universe, and when played in harmony, they truly are a beautiful symphony. But just like a cello or guitar must be hollow to play music, our bodies must also be hollow of stuffed emotions to “play.”

I wanted to write this book to provide a new paradigm for how we view emotions. Just the fact that we call some emotions “negative” is an old, tired, way of looking at things. All true emotions are a spectrum and have a “positive” benefit to them. Take the dreaded emotional state of “fear,” fear provides us protection and if it weren’t for “fear” we wouldn’t have survived as a species. Or take pain and sorrow—without them, would we truly know the depth of our love?

I have found that stuffed emotions are the root of all our issues on an individual level and on a collective level. For example, if we have a CEO that has a stuffed emotion/state of “greed” (tied to his or her belief of scarcity or “not-enoughness” that we talked about earlier) and he or she creates toxic or unsustainable products that ultimately hurt the environment and other people, then we can see how these stuffed emotions help to create a toxic environment not only for the individual but also for the world.

I created The Harmony Keys as a way for people to “hack” their unconscious and heal and release these stuffed emotions so they can operate from a higher level.

You speak of stuffed emotions that can be triggered anytime the stuffed emotion surfaces. Please provide a few examples.

Say that when we are little, we experience a trauma, maybe a divorce, or death of an attachment figure in our life. Say that we stuff the emotion of “love” inside of us. We unconsciously do this because we are afraid to love because we don’t want to get hurt. Then as an adult, anytime “love” surfaces, it unconsciously reminds us of our attachment figure leaving us. This can manifest differently in different people—sometimes it will show up as commitment issues, other times it can show up as “ clinginess” or even “control,” but until we heal that and release the stuffed emotion, we will have a very hard time expressing or receiving love in a healthy way. This could also go for a more imprisoning emotion—like, despair. Ever notice that when you are in a state of despair, you suddenly can remember every single time you have ever felt despair and it fuels the fire of despair even more? That’s a stuffed emotion. When you can find the root of it, you can heal it. That’s not to say you’ll never feel despair again. Remember, despair is a positive emotion too, it only becomes imprisoning when you stuff it down instead of feeling it and releasing it in a healthy way, and in the moment.

FWM: What is your hope for your book?

I hope that in making a book that is affordable and accessible globally, people can take these tools and heal themselves, taking their power and putting it where it belongs—in themselves!! One of my favorite things has been to watch my clients take the Harmony Keys and start their own successful healing businesses with it. One of my students is now making over 100K a year using the Harmony Keys in her business. I can’t tell you how happy this makes me to watch someone use the system so diligently on herself, see the effectiveness of it, and then take her healing and help others do the same. It’s truly been remarkable!!

FWM: Share your goals/projects for the future.

My goal for the future is to grow the “Spiritual Ninja” and “Harmony Keys” community for it to truly have a life of its own. I want to help provide the tools and have people take them and make them their own. When travel restrictions ease up, I’d like to start hosting retreats again. And I’d also like some of my “conscious entertainment” screenplays to be produced and released into the world, sending positive messages of redemption and forgiveness into the world through the medium of storytelling.

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/janelle_christa/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janellechrista/

Website: https://www.janellechrista.com

Link to Harmony Keys on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Harmony-Keys-Self-Healing-Modality-Greater/dp/B08GFTLKVV/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=the+harmony+keys+Janelle+Christa&qid=1602018854&sr=8-2

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