Fab Giovanetti, Creatively Impacting the World

Fab Giovanetti is the Founder of Creative Impact, a leading community of conscious creatives globally.

FWM: For the past ten years, you have supported startups and entrepreneurs alike with starting, growing, and marketing their own brand. What are some of the trends that you are seeing today? 

Personal brands are becoming something that both founders and entrepreneurs are nurturing more effectively. It’s exciting, as it shows how we’re going to communicate online through marketing and content. Personal brands are KEY when looking at growing your business. Seriously, spend time nurturing your personal brand as YOURSELF and it will give you back tenfolds when it comes to authority and credibility alone.

Another relevant trend is linked to context marketing, and the way we’re going to be replacing the idea of marketing campaigns to embrace instead customer journeys as a way to communicate and sell to our audiences. It brings a whole new set of challenges as well as new ways to communicate with prospects online. 

FWM: You had founded the Health Bloggers Community, which became one of the key players in the wellness industry. Now it is rebranded as Creative Impact. How is Creative Impact making an impact globally?

We support hundreds of creatives through our collective membership (established in 2014), our courses as well as our awards ceremony, and our events. Not only we provide education and training, but we also facilitate connections and networking to make sure our creatives can reach more people with their message.

We believe that you should be using your influence to make a positive impact on others or the planet. By supporting them, we are encouraging others to positively start conversations around wellbeing, sustainability, mental health, body positivity, and more. 

“Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it.”

FWM: Tell us about Creative Impact Magazine. 

The Creative Impact magazine is a digital publication from creatives for creatives. Not only allows us to give a voice to members of our collective, but it also encourages us to share the stories of incredibly successful people (take creator and entrepreneur Grace Beverley) and dissect them to provide inspiration to others, looking to grow their brand. 

The magazine includes loads of inspiration as well as educational content. Each month we have a pro section, covering marketing and business topics, as well as a wellbeing section and a foodie corner. It truly encompasses the lifestyle of conscious creatives out there. 

FWM: What excites you about being a Conscious Creative? 

With our influence, we can truly shape and change the world around us. It allows us to focus on our mission by connecting deeply with the reason why we show up in the world every day, with the idea of creating a legacy that goes beyond ourselves. To me, that is truly rewarding.

FWM: On your website, https://fabgiovanetti.com/, you say, “Welcome to my humble home.” Share your philosophy in life and how does it relate to your business? 

“Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it”. My whole journey can be summed up by this quote, especially because I work in an industry where things change constantly and working in events is pretty much like walking on eggshells.

Stop dwelling and start reacting is an approach that has served me best. Remember, work hard, play hard, and give yourself a bit more credit for all the things you are doing and achieving. Being your own boss means focusing on your mindset as much as targets.

FWM: Please share a few client stories that made you smile. 

There are many I could share, as a consultant, and seeing my clients smashing amazing goals and targets is always inspiring. Yet, truly the collective members are the people who inspire me the most. Seeing some of our members going out there and winning awards, publishing their first books, or even launching their first line of products in the national supermarkets (true story) is a simple reminder that the work we put in every day truly pays off.

FWM: Tell us about your book, “Make an Impact.” 

In my debut book, I ask how to look beyond the definition of influence that has been prescribed by social media, and consider the inherent desire of us all to have an impact, leave a lasting legacy, and to learn from those that we admire – to influence and be influenced. In an age where ‘influencer’ is a legitimate job title, I seek to truly understand what this role encompasses. The book includes interviews from influencers such as Hazel Wallace (The Food Medic), Rupy Aujla, Pixie Turner, Michelle Elman among others. 

FWM: You are a well-known speaker. What are the key topics you bring to others? Any plans for participating in virtual conferences? 

Marketing is obviously one of my favorite things to talk about, however, as the CEO of a remote company and multi-passionate entrepreneur, I have has been studying the science of productivity, habits, and work efficiency for years. 

In my upcoming book, Reclaim your Time Off, I explored how I halved my working hours (from 60 to 35 each week) and learned that more and more people are looking to do the same. It’s something I am excited to be sharing more about next year.

We’re gearing up towards our very own Autumn conference in November in conjunction with the Creative Impact awards, so that is taking up a lot of my energies!

FWM: What are your goals for 2020? 

Find that elusive balance that we are all looking for. I wear many hats and work with a variety of people and organizations, as well as writing and running my own business. Taking time to enjoy life is something I prioritize more over the hustle porn. That said, two big business goals include launching our online conference for the Creative Impact Awards as well gearing up towards the publication of Reclaim your Time off in 2021.

You can find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/fabgiovanetti

Instagram: https:/instagram.com/fabgiovanetti

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fabianagiovanetti/

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