
Corinne Rogan Senior Actress, Advocate 4 TBI Survivors- In August her LA-DA Tour- Carving out her own niche

FWM: As the 2019 Finalist for Ms. Senior California of America you had a revelation. Tell us about it. 

Yes, in 2019, I was a Finalist for the Ms. Senior California of America pageant, competition. I ran to shine a light on the sad situation that perplexes many TBI survivors. That’s why I ran, and who I prepared this video for-Take a look & listen, I call it My Cinderella Story,

FWM: You have been a champion for Seniors. Why fuels your passion to help others?

YES, I wish I could sing, “Oh the stories I could tell”. -In my commentary, some may notice, Sometimes I may seem blunt, or, let’s call it clarity, it gets the job done.

  2. I care about Seniors because I am one. I’m a SENIOR who has been alone most of my life. -Was Never THE cool girl in High School- Even, today, as a Senior, I’ve Joined local Chambers of Commerce and have been snubbed by fellow members, TWICE, in the last decade. Not to mention, a best friend* since 02/04/80, knocked me over with her BETRAYAL. When I found out, I told her to call my mother as she too was now in her club.
  3. Yes, I will have to nuture my own garden.
  4. Never been married, no kids, no exes. I had to carve out my own niche. NOW NO 4 brothers, 2 sisters, misunderstood mother!
  5. It’s a blessing & a curse.
  7. I am 66 years old, I haven’t spent a holiday or a celebration with anyone, loved one or a “fly-by” friend in several years. Always alone.
  8. I hear my family hates me, not only that. I have too many more fingers than friends that I can count on my hands.
  9. So, I’m pretty convinced I heard a voice in my head that said “Miss Rogan, “Live Alone Die Alone” LA-DA(sing it, like Tah-DAH!!) -Yep. That sux, but hey-I developed MY NEW PLAN for
  10. People like me

FWM: You are on a mission to help TBI Survivors. Why is this so important to you?

Yes, As I mentioned, In 2019, I was on a mission with my Cinderella Story to BREAK THE STORY, it was BREAKING NEWS!!- when Iearned this, I was SAVED! Hasn’t 2020 been a blast?

As people pop up their heads on a regular basis, I’ll be right there with that issue to help them feel better when their world has tumbled down. It’s absolute torment when you are deserted and all alone. Especially when realizing U R old.

FWM: Tell us about your upcoming LA-DA Tour. (What does LA-DA mean?) How can we learn more?

I had to carve out my own niche.

Hence, LA-DA- live alone, die alone. It’s a helping hand. Being prepared 4 the future. It’s a little bit of being treated kindly as much as an internet program can. It’s for people who are alone and endure by loving themselves like nobodies business. Join me, we can get our affairs in order, here. There will be many options-In spite of COVID19, Pandemic 2020.

FWM: How has the pandemic changed your vision? 

It’s made me appreciate what I am capable of achieving alone. I’m lucky. I have incredible opportunities available to me. I’ve found So many new friends on the Internet to provide a springboard. Especially, Thank U to my new ACTOR FRIENDS. Especially, R&STPFA.

YA KNOW, Don’t Worry, be happy. Figure it out. Solve that problem, you’ll B much happier.

FWM: Who inspires you? Who would you like to meet?

Becca Her work has turned my frown upside down. Now I’m raring to go From LA-Vancouver BC to talk about LA-DA- it’s “SOS-Salvation of Sorts” SSS-Single Senior Strategies.

FWM: How will your initiative LA-DA help Single Seniors in 2020?

I am in the Planning Stage of LA-DA. 08/15-08/25. I am onTour via Amtrak Starting @ home-LAX-Portland, Seattle, Vancouver-bc -SFO, LAX. 

FWM: Do you have any additional thoughts?

Yes, indeedy, looking for others who may be interested in this topic. I’d like many Seniors to celebrate our lives and feel ready to go. I’d like to make this a simple procedure. I remember the cartoon, “The Jetson’s” going thru the “automat”. LET’S make it SIMPLE. The KISS method.

Pinterest, CorinneRogan Twitter- missrogan

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