Eleni Anastos: Money and Mindset Strategies for 2021

Eleni Anastos is a Business Strategist and Prosperity Coach who helps
entrepreneurs and C-Suite executives bust through money and mindset blocks, so
they can create the income, impact and lifestyle they desire at any age. She has shared her money and mindset strategies for over 50+ podcasts, radio shows, and streaming networks, now she shares her key to success with Formidable Woman.

FWM: How are you helping entrepreneurs and C-Suite executives bust through money and mindset blocks in 2020? 

I am mission-driven to help people create the income, impact, and lifestyle they desire at any age. Settling and tolerating a life that you do not find fulfilling personally or professionally serves no one. A lot of individuals have limiting beliefs, serving as blind spots that keep them from achieving more (in any area of life). None of us can succeed beyond our current beliefs. The number one priority for anyone that wants to be, do or have more is freeing themselves from the beliefs that have been holding them back. Blindspots are called blind spots for a reason. We all need someone to shine the light on what is stopping us from moving forward. All my clients know and feel that I “have their back”. I want people to be the best version of themselves. When we are functioning at our best, we are able to better serve others.

I work with clients privately and in group programs. When working with clients one-to-one, programs are individually designed to meet their specific goals.

FWM: What are some of the recurring themes from clients? How are you helping them?

Many individuals have a very disconnected and disempowering relationship with money. The reality, money will impact us on a daily basis and touches every aspect of a business. So, whether you are earning 50K or 5M it is important to be in the driver’s seat with money.  I see countless entrepreneurs and under earning, settling for a life that is less than they desire. You cannot build and scale a sustainable business without charging what you are worth and being confident discussing money in a sales conversation. I’ve also seen many financially wealthy individuals who did not feel fulfilled personally, sacrificing one area of life for another. Getting clearly focused on exactly what you want to be, do and have in your life is the first step in mapping out the plan to get there. I design individualized programs to help clients achieve their goals, personally and professionally.

FWM: Give us an example of an assessment and training program you have created for a client. 

Circle of Life Inventory

Before you plan your future, it is important to know exactly where you’re starting. Many people are out of alignment. They could achieve success professionally and their personal life suffers. Or, they are physically healthy and yet struggle to grow financially. Rate your level of satisfaction in each of the following areas (scale of 1-10): family/friends, money, physical health, mental health, physical environment, fun/recreation, career/life purpose, spiritual alignment. Be honest about how you currently feel, while reflecting on what you would like to see going forward.

Training Protocols for Chiropractic Clinic Staff

Every individual position, whether front office or direct patient care, needed to have clear and specific duties outlined. If one staff member was out of the office, a substitute was able to perform their daily tasks with a good level of proficiency because they had the protocol to follow. This helped to increase overall efficiency in day to day operations.

FWM: You have shared your money and mindset strategies for over 50+ podcasts, radio shows, and streaming networks. Share your advice on how to excel in 2021. 

The Pandemic has impacted countless people financially….feeling loss of control, layoffs, businesses closing…..people just want to feel some semblance of control and to be re-engaged with money. Make 2020 a “lesson” and not a life sentence. You can still live a life by design and not by default.

And, you can put yourself back in the Driver’s Seat with Money in 2021. Money loves attention, so start tracking daily by recording the amount of money that comes in on a daily basis, even when that number is zero. Avoiding money will only serve to keep you stuck, feeling disempowered. And, you can review the tracking and look for patterns, that can lead to new decisions and new actions. When you initiate attention, you are controlling money, it’s not controlling you.

 Yes, 2020 has reinforced that change is inevitable, and reinvention is a vital part of navigating that change going forward. Life looks different now, but the way through is still forward. Build a vision for your life going forward. Select an area in your life where you want to experience growth. Add specific, quantifiable details to make the vision tangible. Get clear on why it is important to you and what you value about your choice. Don’t be afraid to set new goals and Claim It!!

Do you want to start your own business? Claim it!

Do you want to increase your income? Claim it!

Claim what you want and go all in! Make it happen.

Reach out for support. None of us were meant to do this alone!

FWM: In 2021 you will launch your book, “My Reinvented Life.” What was the inspiration for the book. Share a few key points. 

I was a very dedicated public school teacher, loved my work with emotionally impaired, learning disabled, cognitively impaired, and students identified as being on the Autism Spectrum, when my life changed in one afternoon. During a school-wide assembly in the gym(high school), I was standing in front of the bleachers where seniors sit(my assigned spot), when a group came rushing out. I got knocked down, trampled, and violently kicked repeatedly. There were moments when I thought my life was ending that day. I sustained serious physical injuries and was unable to work (the PTSD was paralyzing). It is my belief that the district staged a “cover-up”, because they said the event never happened. I got cut off financially, lost my house, and really struggled. I learned a lot of lessons along the way and chose not to remain in the struggle. I found purpose in the pain. I then began reinventing my life! I started a new business in my 50s and became a best seller author at 60. I want to inspire anyone who has been through trauma, or is simply passed a certain age, that you can reinvent your life. Age and/or circumstance do not have to stop you.

I share many scenarios for reinvention, even while dealing with something that is painful or uncomfortable. I also offer a specific process to help people map out their own reinvention journey.

***Happy to share more.

FWM: You are a contributing author to 1 Habit for Entrepreneurial Success. Tell us more.

I was honored to be invited to contribute to 1 Habit for Entrepreneurial Success. I was influenced by my grandfather, a successful restauranteur, who instilled in me the importance of a strong work ethic and discipline. People do not achieve real success by doing things periodically. They achieve success by doing things consistently. Employing the right habits and mindset can dramatically change the trajectory of your life, professionally and personal.

What is the greatest compliment that you have received? 

A client, who had suffered tremendous personal loss and was no longer excited or enthusiastic about work, said “You gave me my life back. I’m once again fired up about my future.” I helped him leave corporate and create a new life as an entrepreneur.

Another client said, “Your belief in me has allowed me to grow and move forward in life. I now see possibilities instead of obstacles.”

FWM Contributing Authors


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