Lifestyle Guru Candace Burney Gives Us the Keys to Reclaiming Our Health

Healthy Life Guru Candace Burney teaches us that commitment to a healthy lifestyle is a combined effort of the body, mind and spirit.  As a personal chef and fitness instructor, Candace brings together her love for both creating healthy dishes from fresh ingredients and building a strong, fit body that you will be proud of. Candace believes that strength comes from within and once the body is in harmony it will exude a power that will catapult you into your future success.  

FWM: Candace, I’m so honored that you could take time out of your busy schedule to speak with us! Please introduce yourself to our readers.

CB:  My name is Candace Burney. I’m a Personal Chef and Fitness Instructor. I’ve been in the Health & Wellness field for almost 30 years. I grew up in a very small town surrounded by gardens, eating fresh food every day, and cooking with my mom and grandmother. Now, my mission is to help women embrace the sensuality of their strength through food and fitness and to help young girls understand the importance of keeping their bodies strong. I like to use my age when talking to young women. I know that I look younger than they expect so I use that as a selling point to spur them into a fit and healthy lifestyle. My partner and I recently created an online cooking competition called Food Fight where three chefs have 20 minutes to cook up their best dish within a certain theme and a live online audience chooses the winner. The winner walks away as Food Fight Champion and $100.  

FWM:  Have you always lived a fit and healthy lifestyle?

CB:  Growing up I was always an athlete and just never stopped moving. To me strength {physical and mental) is an aphrodisiac. I like the fact that I’m able. I love feeling strong in my body so I do whatever I need to do in order to maintain that. 

FWM: As a personal chef, what are some of the best foods to include in our diets?

CB: Fish and lean proteins. Fruits and vegetables of course. Just be sure they’re in season. The earth provides us with specific foods at specific times. I believe in following the natural rhythms of the planet in order to live at my best. I also love delicious food and when things are out of season they don’t taste as good. 

FWM: Please give us a few tips that we can use to promote healthy living. 


  • Drink plenty of water – it helps to flush toxins out of our bodies, helps us stay alert, and keeps the body functioning the way it should.
  • Get plenty of rest – when we don’t get sufficient rest, our bodies stay in an inflamed state. Inflammation is the root cause of so many diseases. 
  • Say no – it’s your job to take care of you and sometimes we have to say no to other people’s needs. You can’t pour from an empty cup so get a little selfish with your time and energy in order to give your best.
  • Use quality products – whether it’s your olive oil, your face cream, or your laundry detergent. Everything we ingest has either a positive or negative effect on us. And yes, your face cream and laundry detergent are seeping into your skin.  

FWM:  I LOVE your exercise videos! What is the one exercise that you feel all women can do to begin their journey to better health?

CB: Thank you! I believe yoga is an excellent way to start. Yoga allows you to become more aware of your body. This in turn helps when you’re doing any type of strength training. Not only is it an excellent beginning but yoga helps to quiet your mind and calm your body. Something that’s so desperately needed right now.

FWM: As women, do you feel that we should focus more on the way we feel or reaching an ideal weight? 

CB: I don’t think we should be ‘weight focused’ though I do believe there is a ‘weight range’ that we all function best at. When we focus on a particular number, we do unnecessary and unhealthy things to get there and maintain it. When we focus on being healthy, it’s more encompassing of the body, mind, spirit aspect. Then without focusing on a number, we discover that ‘weight range’ where we feel the best. 

FWM: How can our readers connect with you outside of this interview?

CB: They can follow me on Instagram and Facebook @LivingSimplyWithCandace. My website is Or email me at 

Photos courtesy of Maurice Evans and John Bunch


Gracia Rich

Gracia is a freelance writer and Co-Author of the 2018 anthology release, Letters to Our Daughters, as well as a contributing writer for Today’s Purpose Woman Magazine. She has written devotionals for Our Bible App and is a current blogger at, and You can find her at her website at