The Female Quotient: Moving from Conversation to Action.

Shelley Zalis is the CEO of “The Female Quotient,” She is an internationally renowned entrepreneur, speaker, mentor. Known as the “chief troublemaker,” she is a true champion for gender equality and taking conversation to action during these turbulent times. As the CEO and Founder of “the Female Quotient,” Shelley works with Fortune 500 companies to advance gender equality across industries. The FQ’s signature pop-up experience, the FQ Lounge (formerly the Girls’ Lounge), brings a Home of Equality to major conferences, companies, and college campuses around the world.

FWM: You are a champion for gender equality. What progress has been made? 

We’ve made a lot of progress. 50 years ago in the United States, women weren’t guaranteed the right to get a credit card, keep a job if they became pregnant, serve on a jury, or take legal action against sexual harassment in the workplace. We’ve come a long way, but we still have a long way to go. The World Economic Forum projects that we won’t achieve global gender equality for 99.5 years. Many countries — including the United States — are moving backwards in terms of their gender equality ranking. However, more and more people are taking a stand, speaking up, and demanding equality. This social shift leaves me feeling optimistic. 

FWM: When do you think gender equality will be an oxymoron? 

I hope a lot sooner than the WEF’s projections. To make that happen, we all have to get involved in making equality a reality.

FWM: Tell us about “The Female Quotient.” What is happening today?

We’re focusing on moving from conversation to action. While the pandemic kept the world grounded, we pivoted with positivity and shifted our business to virtual. We’ve hosted over 150 virtual sessions, ensuring that our global community remains connected and activated during this socially distanced time. We’re continuing to focus on moving from conversation to action. We do this across our pillars: Equality Lounge®, where we bring leaders together to activate change through pop-up and virtual experiences at global conferences, events, and within companies; Business of Equality®, where we help companies become equality fit and close the gender gaps across parity, pipeline, and policy; FQ Pack Global, where we host a core group of influential women around the world, creating an impactful global community of women; FQ Next Gen, where we connect brands with college women, creating on-campus communities and fostering leadership skills through pop-up events and virtual content series; and FQ Collection®, where we support girls around the world, advancing Global Goal #5 through the proceeds of our collection.

FWM: How are you a “Disruptor?”

 I’ve always said that when others zig, I zag. When the rules don’t make sense, I write new ones. I’ve never been afraid of disrupting the status quo. That’s what led me to leave the corporate world and pioneer online research, and that’s what led me to found The Female Quotient. I was sick of attending events where women were the minority, so I created a space where we could act and feel like the majority. 

FWM: When you look at the landscape of America today, what do you see? 

I see a country that is, yes, deeply divided — but I also see a country that is committed to creating a more equitable future. We have people of all ages and backgrounds working together to advance equality and right the wrongs of the past.  

FWM: What does the “Female Quotient” equal to? 

When you add more women to any equation, the equation gets better. We know that gender equality is good for society and good for business, so organizations that bring more women into the equation see a return on equality. At the Female Quotient, we are adding all women to every equation.  

FWM: Where do we go from here? 

Don’t get complacent! Keep having tough conversations, standing up for those whose voices aren’t heard, and training yourself to be a better ally. Also, demand better from your leaders, both in your workplace and your community.

FWM Contributing Authors


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