Be Like You™Inc, Bullying Prevention Founders: Sauimalae (Sim) and Fetu

FWM: What led you to launch Be Like You™ Inc? 

Sim and Fetu experienced bullying differently in ways that impacted each of their lives. Fetu was bullied verbally and physically including being pushed into lockers, being called names, and her parent’s home being vandalized, that would lead her to question her self-worth, her appearance and feel shame. The true igniting reason why Be Like You ™ Inc. was launched is after Sim’s daughters had been bullied, which eventually led to various meetings with the school and then progressed to involvement of law enforcement authorities. The day when one of her daughters was told to end her life, on social media, changed our awareness of the severity of bullying and ignited our passion to reduce bullying and Be Like You™Inc., was launched. We do not want anyone to feel alone and we believe through our educational programs and positive brand message, acceptance of the uniqueness of self and others with shared empathy will flourish effectively reducing the incidence and effects of bullying.

FWM: How can we help? 

(a) We are in need of Sponsors for our Educational Programs to help continue meeting our operational costs and increase our impact within the community. (b) Connecting us with educational and community leaders for us to present our educational programs and workshops. The presentations are an hour to an hour and a half for 50 up to 200 attendees with Sim and Fetu and sometimes include a special guest. Our workshops are an intimate group setting 10-40 attendees and 30-45 minutes with Sim or Fetu. Our target audience are schools (with a focus on elementary to High School) 1. The educational staff and students. 2. Adults/Parents. Each of our presentations and workshops are customized to each age group and needs.

(c) Leaders in our communities who have experience in social work, law enforcement , mental health , education or have experienced bullying (whether as a witness or been a bully) to volunteer with us; we are seeking to add to our panel of advisors, project management and Guest Speakers. Our goal is to reduce the incidence of bullying, through our educational pillars from connectibility to understanding the importance and effectiveness of being an upstander, solutions and sharing consequences.

FWM: How have you changed your vision since the Coronavirus? 

Our vision is the same; we’ve made adjustments by utilizing online communications with the community and our volunteers. Coronavirus has allowed us to grow more of an online presence. We are aware this has been a major adjustment for our entire world and realize there is more need for connectivity. We have conducted weekly calls/texts with youth and parents so they know they are not alone and have a resource to connect . The epidemic has impacted students creating feelings of being overwhelmed, overall affecting their mental well-being. We continue to spread positive messages and utilize positive self-worth coaching through our resources. Communication has increased, opened up more opportunities to connect with our community, provide clarity of our programs and helping volunteers to be leaders by having them decide which area they would like to help.

As a sister team, we approach bullying education and awareness with passion and authenticity to create a movement of more confident, kind, positive and connected people to reduce the incidence and effects of bullying.

FWM: Share your humanitarian work.

We’ve helped with a variety of charities including Theater of Peace and Epilepsy Foundation to supporting frontliners during the epidemic, Coronavirus. We have been actively supporting communities. Sim has provided professional services for Cancer Survivors, participated in Fashion Show fundraisers for different organizations and assisted in raising money for others with medical needs. She has been directly involved within her community utilizing her caring spirit; a few examples include feeding the Homeless and dedicating nearly 300 hours in a three month span for the Epilepsy Foundation. Fetu has served a one year service with Americorps for Big Brothers Big Sisters, Coordinating events for fundraising projects including Make a Wish Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, Epilepsy Foundation and camps for children with medical conditions. She also spearheaded collaboration with a Therapy Department for Adopt a Family for Big Brothers Big Sisters and performs Project SSWP (Salute to Service with Purpose), annually providing photography services and photos for an active duty military family.

Humanitarian efforts are a part of who we are as individuals and as a team. We both have different abilities, skills, knowledge and helping others in need is part of who we are as women. We understand the impact we can bring for others, because growing up with challenges we had others who encouraged and lifted us up regardless of our circumstance.  

FWM: What would people be surprised to know about you? 

As strong, determined, loving women we are motivated and strive to achieve positive impact for others. Who we are as women did not come from our biological mother because she was not present throughout the vast majority of our lives. Our determination, caring nature, strength and confidence came from our dad who raised us as a single father, with the support of many strong women in our “tribe”, our family. Our dad has a strong work ethic and was the main provider for us. Sim played a big role in not only being a sister, but also ensuring Fetu was taken care of, and household duties were completed while their father was working.

 FWM: What are your goals for 2020? 

Greater Community Outreach, providing our Solution based bullying prevention and awareness educational programs and workshops to various groups. (2) Connecting with sponsors and obtaining grants to help grow our reach for Be Like You so we can educate more people within our communities. (3) Adding community Leaders to our panel of advisors and volunteers to our “hive tribe”. (4) Growth of our Annual Charity Fashion Show for increased awareness and program funding. (5) We hope to bring more awareness to our brand message to empower each other to Be Like You with kindness and embrace individuality by collaborating with community members, leaders, businesses and organizations who are aligned with our mission

FWM: What makes you Formidable Women? 

As a sister team, we approach bullying education and awareness with passion and authenticity to create a movement of more confident, kind, positive and connected people to reduce the incidence and effects of bullying. It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone and to step-up and stand against what you know is an uncomfortable topic. Bullying is a serious topic that has the ability to and does affect mental health and self-worth; it challenges emotional and mental capacities for many, not only those directly experiencing it, but also for those witnessing bullying. As a result of the effects of the coronavirus on mental and emotional health (enhanced by isolation), susceptibility to bullying has increased. We go beyond the comfortable and demonstrate strength through vulnerability and connectedness through shared experience to encourage embracing self and others. Going beyond the comfortable, to meet the needs for our youth exposing bullying through education. We witness change, sharing kindness and courageous acts through our educational programs and workshops. Creating a sense of self- awareness, compassion and knowing who you are authentically with kindness, is the root to Be Like You.

“Any involvement with bullying behavior is one stressor which may contribute to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness that raise the risk of suicide.” ~

“70.4% of school staff have seen bullying, 62% witnessed bullying 2 or more times in the last month, and 41% witness bullying once a week or more. When bystanders intervene, bullying stops within 10 seconds 57% of the time.” ~

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