Meg Nocero Shows You How to Bounce Back After Devastation

Meg Nocero is a woman with many talents, strengths, and passions! She is a former Department of Homeland Security attorney and, after 19 years of federal government service, she resigned to pursue her dream as a writer, an inspirational speaker, a success coach, and an attorney for justice.

You may think that she was already living the so-called “American Dream,” right? Why would she want to leave such a prestigious career and just go for it! Well, we sat down with this Formidable woman and learned so much!

Warning: Meg Nocero’s energy is contagious!

FMW: So, tell us about Meg, Federal Prosecutor turned Transformation Coach.

There is a quote by Ronald Dahl, the author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, that resonates with me to my core–“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” That being said, I am magical person. I truly believe in magic and miracles of this life. And, time and time again, I have found evidence to empower that belief and inspire others to see the world through those eyes so that they can too realize the beauty of their dreams.

FMW: Why are you so passionate about helping others?

In April of 2011, I lost my mother to breast cancer and lost my way. To navigate the grieving process, I turned to writing as a healing tool. I wrote what I felt my mother would want to communicate to me. One day led to the next and I completed my first book called The Magical Guide to Bliss: Daily Keys to Unlock Your Dreams, Spirit & Inner Bliss. Here, I empower others to wake up to a universe packed with possibility.

In addition to allowing me to feel connected to my mom, it helped me muster the courage to make a career change after twenty years as a federal prosecutor. It is the guide I used to transform my dreams into reality. It is the guide that I offer to others to do the same. I am here to inspire others by sharing my story to believe in the possibility of their dreams.

I am so passionate about helping others because I have myself experienced what St. John of the Cross terms the “dark night of the soul”. I have lost my hope and am beyond grateful for those who offered their talents to bring me back into the light.

FMW: Tell us about your business.

In 2017, I resigned from the federal government as a prosecutor and now work as a writer, speaker, and empowerment coach. I founded Butterflies & Bliss, LLC and a non-profit called S.H.I.N.E. Networking Inc. S.H.I.N.E. events present and encourage sharing stories, community building, diversity, insights, ideas, hope and networking to shine. We also provide educational scholarships to help young innovative leaders who are making a difference.

FMW: Tell us about your coaching practice.

It is my mission to inspire hope and empower generations through assisting you, my clients to:

  1. Realize your dreams: Make resolutions a reality, Dream and Believe Big by focusing on what you want to see happen in your life.
  2. Take Care of Yourself: Focus on your health, body, mind, and spirit and do what you can to get your life into balance.
  3. Maximize Your Potential for Joy: Look at what brings you joy in your life and start a gratitude practice.
  4. Create Opportunities for Success and Greater Possibilities: Open yourself up to tremendous possibility and empower yourself to think outside the box.
  5. Clarify Your Life Purpose: Visualize to Manifest goals that align with your highest calling both personally and professionally.

FWM: How can our readers stay connected with you?

Social Media Handles:
 Facebook- Meg Nocero, Meg Nocero, Inspirational Author, Empowerment
Coach & Motivational Speaker, S H I N E Miami- Spirit Hope Insight
Networking Event
 Linked In- Meg Nocero, Esq.
 Instagram- @megnocero @shinenetworkevent
 Twitter- @megnocero

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1 Comment
  1. The Magical Guide to Bliss is a book I reach for often! I keep it at my bedside. I can open to any page and feel uplifted on any given day! Thank you Meg for sharing part of your heart with the world. You are truly a shining star.